Enola gay cargo crossword clue

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OK, I stole this definition for Europa: Classical Mythology. On Sunday's crossword, the Jupiter satellite is ELARA. Anti-French riots in Chad, that's all I know about this country.Ħ1A: Satellite of Jupiter: EUROPA. Eat more sesame seeds, your hair will be thicker and fuller.ĥ4A: Neighbor of Libya: CHAD. I tend to confuse her with 'Joy of Cooking' author/chef IRMA Rombauer.Ĥ7A: Seed for a bun: SESAME. Unknown to me.Ĥ5A: Columnist Bombeck: ERMA.

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Why did they name satellite names after Greek God & Goddess?ġA: Kett of the comics: ETTA. Did not know that EUROPA is another Jupiter satellite. I worked my tail off, but I just did not know who is Lily's relative ( CAMAS), I kept thinking 'calla lily'.

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Ha ha, that's very comforting for me to know. If you come to my blog today, then you probably have trouble finishing this Monday puzzle too.

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